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Just a blog of some guy. Actually, it's just a place for me to collect info, and is here more for me than you. I don't really have a single thing that I talk about, more like everything in the Blogosphere. Maybe it will be interesting, maybe you'll be bored to death. Hey, it's my web page, so I can do with it as I please. I just hope that you get some information or enlightenment out of it when you come to visit. So please visit often! Oh, and scroll down to the bottom for my big red A.

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Name: Larian LeQuella
Location: 3rd Rock from the Sun, New Hampshire, United States

This is MY blog, where I write about whatever I feel like. Actually, it's more of a collection of information that I like to have access to. If you want to find out more about me, you can go back to my homepage, or visit my Facebook, Twitter, or even MySpace pages.

17 July 2009

The Real America?

As I mentioned in the "Douchebaggery" blog, I may not agree with everything President Obama is doing (on the domestic side), but also realize that we've put ourselves in a bad position where these solutions are what is left. But what I would like to talk about (thanks Aaron for giving me the idea) is this "Real America" thing.

I can't express how thankful I am that President Obama won. In his mind, there aren't two Americas that are real and not real. He's not about dividing people up just because they don't adhere to whatever is your ideology. Not so with the GOP. Even more and more I am hearing that they represent the "Real America". What the fuck are they talking about? Is it really their goal to alienate and piss off anyone who isn't a fundamental xtian? Let's face it, the GOP has turned into the Fundamental Christian Political Action Group, and is no longer in any way a Grand Old Party.

And what determines what makes a "Real American" anyway? Serving your country in Uniform? Being a god fearing church goer? Really, all I see again out of the GOP is incredibly childish, short sighted, divisive actions. And this is coming from someone who was a registered Republican for 25 years!

So really, what the fuck is a Real American, and what the fuck is a fake american? I'd like to know, just so I can see exactly how deluded and childish the dividers are.

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Blogger Caitlyn said...

I think you would really like the two ladies I work with, who often talk about how America is the new Sodom and Gomorrah and it's all because no one prays in school.

18 July, 2009 09:28  
Blogger Larian LeQuella said...

OUCH! Reading that made my irony nerve pop! :)

18 July, 2009 11:58  
Blogger Joe said...

I wouldn't worry too much. Unless something terrible happens, I don't foresee a republican in office for a while. They screwed themselves out of it by holding on to outdated dogma when a new generation started voting.

18 July, 2009 12:40  
Blogger JD Curtis said...

I can't express how thankful I am that President Obama won.

Yes. Now we can enjoy head-on, 100 mile-an-hour socialism instead of the more leisurely route that McCain would have led us on.

He's not about dividing people up just because they don't adhere to whatever is your ideology.

Sure, as long as youre a straight up socialist along the lines of Chavez-Castro-Noriega. Why didnt Obama speak out when Zelaya tried to make himself "president for life"? That being said, I'm not completely convinced McCain would have either.

Let's face it, the GOP has turned into the Fundamental Christian Political Action Group, and is no longer in any way a Grand Old Party.

Might I ask what information you are baseing this statement on Lunk? If anything, I see the Republican party moving to the left.

So really, what the fuck is a Real American, and what the fuck is a fake american?

An open question whose answer can vary from person to person. Me personally? A real American would not be part of a globalist movement to put the US under control of an international body and would believe in and fight for US sovereignty. I recommend this article by Henry Lamb entitled Obama to put world ahead of America

18 July, 2009 14:19  
Blogger Larian LeQuella said...

JD, see the article on Douchebaggery. And your rhetoric sounds about as sane as a flat earther or KKK member...

19 July, 2009 01:01  
Anonymous Mondior said...

The real America is what every single individual American considers to be the realm America. Too Taoist? LOL Perhaps! But it's an answer that is at least as fair as the question. :)

19 July, 2009 15:21  
Blogger JD Curtis said...

your rhetoric sounds about as sane as a flat earther or KKK member

Given that I've stated nothing remotely racist or that the Earth is flat on any posting.....Yes, I sure can see the relevency here :-)

20 July, 2009 09:23  
Blogger Larian LeQuella said...

Grr, wish there was an edit feature, I think I messed up HTML in the first go around of this post.

It's the relevance of your citing. You only link to apologetics and incredibly devout religious cites. That gives them the same validity as this: The earth is flat and this proves it.+

I wasn't saying you are racist or a flat earth believer, but that your links carry as much validity as those incredibly intellectually isolated individuals.

Or is that sort of a comparison to intellectually taxing for you? :P

20 July, 2009 15:51  
Blogger JD Curtis said...

Not to start an arguement or anything Lunk, but it's demonstrably false to state that the Earth is flat.

Please show me the Cerificate of Live Birth (Long Form, State of Hawaii) for Mr Obama and I'll drop the subject.

Also, please prove that God does not exist. Good luck with that one.

21 July, 2009 11:43  
Blogger Larian LeQuella said...

If it's so demonstrable, why are there people who don't believe it's not flat? Because they are mentally afflicted, like birthers, and religion.

Even Jon Stewart made fun of how silly the whole birth certificate conspiracy delusion is. It deserves no more dignity. I guess you haven't caught on how much I am making fun of "birthers" on that one.

As for proving god doesn't exist, I suggest you read the "God Hypothesis" by Victor J. Stenger. He goes through it quite well. Although, I counter you to prove that there isn't a tiger in my garage. For every proof/argument, I will have a "magic" explanation as to why you can't see or detect it in any way. Your hyypothesis of some cosmic jewish sky zombie falls flat. And the onus is on you to provide the proof (hence the unicorn farting rainbows comparison). It's silly childish superstition on your part, and you lap it up.

23 July, 2009 11:27  
Blogger JD Curtis said...

Yes, I see the correlation. comparing a Triune God with 2000 years worth of Biblical exegesis with a "some cosmic jewish sky zombie". The two are practically synonymous.

We have Noah's Ark on another thread. I would imagine that you have another "issue" with the Bible insofar as veracity is concerned.

29 July, 2009 19:36  
Blogger Larian LeQuella said...

Pretty much the whole thing. Genesis, exodus, jesus, pretty much ANY miracle, sun standing still or reversing in the sky, walls falling down from trumpet sounds, slavery, incest, rape, genocide, inconsistencies, etc. The whole thing is a crock of shit. And just because it happens to list some things that really did happen doesn't make it any more real than "Ghostbusters" is real because there really is a City Library in New York City.

30 July, 2009 13:59  

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