Blogiverse - Talking About Everything

Just a blog of some guy. Actually, it's just a place for me to collect info, and is here more for me than you. I don't really have a single thing that I talk about, more like everything in the Blogosphere. Maybe it will be interesting, maybe you'll be bored to death. Hey, it's my web page, so I can do with it as I please. I just hope that you get some information or enlightenment out of it when you come to visit. So please visit often! Oh, and scroll down to the bottom for my big red A.

My Photo
Name: Larian LeQuella
Location: 3rd Rock from the Sun, New Hampshire, United States

This is MY blog, where I write about whatever I feel like. Actually, it's more of a collection of information that I like to have access to. If you want to find out more about me, you can go back to my homepage, or visit my Facebook, Twitter, or even MySpace pages.

31 July 2009

Mocking Loonies.

There's A LOT of loonies out there. Many of them are just annoying, and can be dismissed (they can't really do anything since their moms won't let them out of the basement). However, sometimes loony movements catch hold, and tremendous amounts of money and resources get wasted on lunacy. Heck, even governments get involved in it (England has public healthcare for homeopathy...). Now, I wouldn't really care, except for that it wastes a lot of money, and in some cases, people needlessly DIE as a result. So I was kind of tickled when I saw this blog entry from Dr. Plait:
I sometimes think that comedians wield more skeptical leverage than bloggers. Case in point: Dara O’Brian. (NSFW language)

I love hearing people laugh at silliness. Sometimes it really is the best medicine.

Which of course reminded me of a blog entry I had done over at Facts, not Fantasy:
Okay, these may not be particularly new items, but I've just been on such a serious train of thought, that today I'd like to entertain you all with some parodies that you may find amusing.

Intelligent falling is the latest rage! In a classic parody of the misuse of the word theory, The Onion cuts right to the jugular. Sort of along the vein of my entry to the FL Citizens for Science Stick Figure Cartoon contest. I know a lot of folks don't think that mockery is a good vehicle, but after a while you come to realize that some people are beyond reason, and instead of just killing them to remove them from the gene pool, mockery is the most gentle way of handling them.

This video by Jenny McCarthy's close personal friends of Mumps, Measles, and Ruebella was also quite funny! I decided to spare my sanity, so I haven't read the comments there. Hopefully at least some of the deluded people will find their way here, and mayhap learn a thing or two.

And while not really a subject for this page in general, I got an uproarious laugh out of this Homeopathic ER skit. Is it just me, or do you have to be entirely daft not to see the sham for what it is?

And to those who may get their panties in a wad because we are being unkind and rightly mocking these loonies... Suck it up you pussies! Your stupidity deserves to be mocked. TARDS!

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23 July 2009

Comedy Gold

You know your cause is pretty downright silly when Jon Stewart makes fun of you on The Daily Show!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Born Identity
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

I guess it wouldn't be this easy to make fun of them if it wasn't for the fact that they are simply batshit crazy!

Oh, and the only reason I am even bothering to mention this here is that I have a commenter here that is plainly batshit crazy several times over. This is for you JD. :)

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The Out Campaign: Scarlet Letter of Atheism