Blogiverse - Talking About Everything

Just a blog of some guy. Actually, it's just a place for me to collect info, and is here more for me than you. I don't really have a single thing that I talk about, more like everything in the Blogosphere. Maybe it will be interesting, maybe you'll be bored to death. Hey, it's my web page, so I can do with it as I please. I just hope that you get some information or enlightenment out of it when you come to visit. So please visit often! Oh, and scroll down to the bottom for my big red A.

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Name: Larian LeQuella
Location: 3rd Rock from the Sun, New Hampshire, United States

This is MY blog, where I write about whatever I feel like. Actually, it's more of a collection of information that I like to have access to. If you want to find out more about me, you can go back to my homepage, or visit my Facebook, Twitter, or even MySpace pages.

21 September 2009

Don't These Idiots Tire of Being Wrong?

Yet anothe web page has proclaimed that the end of the world as we know it is upon us. And yet again they were wrong. I don't know about you, but so far my drive in to work was just fine. Nothing catastrophic has happend yet (unless you count the Ptriots losing yesterday).

And they have such a pretty web page too! I guess we can add them to the list of other failed predictions of the end of the world as we know it... You'd think that any group of people that are so consistently wrong about so many things, in such a rediculous manner, that they would just crawl under the rock they came from and leave the rest of the rational world alone, but no...

I am interested in what their excuse will be! Will they just recalculate and move the goalpost? Will they insist that the end of the world really did start, and those of us who don't believe just didn't notice it? Seriously, this would be high comedy if there weren't a bunch of idiots all over the world that display the same amount of nurological activity as these idiots. Sure, the flavour of their delusion may be different, and the window dressing to their private padded room is different, but the mental processes are the same. THAT is really the sign that it's the end of the world as we know it.

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