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Ranger Reports

Again, I am stealing, erm, borrowing from Oaklief I hope he doesn't mind! As time goes by, this page will be strictly ranger and anrcher related.

This list is modified with each version, to provide the developers with a quick list of the top concerns of rangers. As always, if you are aware that a certain issue or bug has been addressed, or if you are aware of a new issue or bug that is not on the list, please contact me so that I may verify it and let the developers know about the change.

Specialty Arrows – desired for the cool factor, these would be another item that might make fletching be demanded. These would include flaming arrows (add fire damage which of course could be reduced or negated by Fire Resistance), poisoned arrows (add a dot similar to low level thief poisons), and stunning arrows (do reduced damage but add a stun). Another idea here is a "lantern arrow" that would give a radius of light at the chosen ground target equal to campfires. Note that these arrows should be player-made only, and not available at merchants.
Here is a complete list of arrows that many players have suggested (this is mostly for brainstorming):

  • Fire Arrows - Do a slight DoT and are especially effective against Keep Doors and Siege machinery.
  • Acid Arrows - Do a slight DoT and are especially effective on Relic Keeps (High cost possibly for the returns).
  • Flare Arrow - Lights up an area like daylight. Can be seen for long distances. Cuts through the fog and mist of bad weather.
  • Poison Arrows - Arrows that have poisons applied to them. Not nearly as powerful as Assassin poisons, but all with the same type of effects. Actual arrow does reduced damage.
  • Bleed Arrows - Arrows that are wickedly barbed that produce a bleed effect (so we can track the blood spatters perhaps).
  • Stun/Snare Arrows - Reduced damage that have a Stun or Snare effect (very limited duration).
  • Hampering Arrow - Attack speed debuff arrow.
  • Flash Arrow - Creates a flash that can reveal stealthed opponents at the ground target area.
  • Darkness Arrow - Creates a blindness effect in the ground target area.
  • Cone of Silence - Makes it impossible for people to communicate in a ground target area.
  • Spell Arrows - Arrows that do all their damage based on spell effects (body, spirit, heat, cold, etc.).
  • Friend Arrow - Allow the ranger to apply one of their pathfinding buffs to an arrow to cast the spell on their friends at a much extended range.
  • Itching Powder - Does no damage, but creates an effect that causes fumbling or innability to attack.
  • Homing Arrow - Allows the shooter to ignore LOS for a shot (suggest high reuse timer on this one!).
  • List is open to inputs.

While many of the effects would be better served as bow styles, Mythic has repeatedly stated that bow styles will not be added, so arrow effects are the next best solution. Realize that these arrows should be hard to make (i.e. require a high level of fletching), hard to use (i.e. require a minimum bow spec), and be very situationally dependent. Some of the more utilitarian arrows can obviously be used as a fundraiser for the ranger to sell to other classes that are also able to use bows. Of course, with even more arrow types, it becomes even more imperative that a good Quiver gets implemented. These arrows should be restricted from use with other archery skills such as Volley, Longshot, and Rapid Fire.

Housing Merchants - It would be nice if the Grandmaster merchant had all the components for making arrows as opposed to the Apprentice merchant. Housing hook points are at a premium, and most larger guilds resent having an Apprentice Merchant to cater to Fletchers, while they all use much higher level materials, and another type of merchant would suit the house better.

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