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Ranger Reports
Primary Concerns
Melee and Celtic Dual
Realm Abilities
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Ranger Reports

Again, I am stealing, erm, borrowing from Oaklief I hope he doesn't mind! As time goes by, this page will be strictly ranger and anrcher related.

This list is modified with each version, to provide the developers with a quick list of the top concerns of rangers. As always, if you are aware that a certain issue or bug has been addressed, or if you are aware of a new issue or bug that is not on the list, please contact me so that I may verify it and let the developers know about the change.

WTF Useless RAs - I am still confused as to why Rangers would want or need the following abilities: Ethereal Bond, Mastery of Magery, Serenity, Wild Power, Mastery of Concentration, and Mystic Crystal Lore. While most of those RAs have been removed, there is still a severe lack of imagination in assigning RAs to archers.

Additional Realm Abilities - OBE by Frontiers.

Spec Volley - OBE by Frontiers

Longshot and Volley vs. Bladeturn – Fixed in 1.62

Volley and Keep Defense – Fixed with version 1.60.

Other Skills - Since these skills don't truly fall into other categories, I will mention them here. Just a short compilation of skills with little explanation and implementation ideas. That is left to the developers:

  • Scavange - An ability to gather more loot off a monster. Damn Spymasters stole this one!
  • Set and Dissarm Traps - Set small traps like snares and pitfalls.
  • Bow Stun - Frontiers free RR5 ability
  • Climb Trees - Outdoor only skill.
  • Safe Fall - Addressed in a patch!
  • Disengage - A better way to get out of combat with an enemy.
  • Cloak of the Forest - While in any grove of trees a ranger can use this to become 100% undetectable. The ranger can not move or take any action while using this ability or they revert to "normal" stealth. Camo must be up in order to activate this ability.
  • Safe Rest - Increases regen rates for hits, power and endurance for the party at a Ranger Safe Camp.
  • Ability to walk with an arrow nocked. Armsmen (WTF) get this?
  • List is open to inputs.

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