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Ranger Reports

Again, I am stealing, erm, borrowing from Oaklief I hope he doesn't mind! As time goes by, this page will be strictly ranger and anrcher related.

This list is modified with each version, to provide the developers with a quick list of the top concerns of rangers. As always, if you are aware that a certain issue or bug has been addressed, or if you are aware of a new issue or bug that is not on the list, please contact me so that I may verify it and let the developers know about the change.

Blades Styles - For rangers that spec in blades, there are very few styles that are actually of any use to them (some of these concernes have recently been addressed, does the community feel much better about this now?). Most styles are reactionary off skills we do not get, or have no utility in using. Blades tend to be a popular desire for rangers since it is strong against the leather type armours that assassins use. Furthermore, many of the styles give us penalties for defense, while the ones that do give bonuses are very situational, or we do not use.

Celtic Dual Styles - The growth rates on the damage from these styles need review. Additionally, the effects of many of the styles need to ne looked at, especially for blade using rangers. Many of the styles give us penalties for defense, while the ones that do give bonuses are very situational, or we do not use.

Pierce Styles - Growth rate fixed in 1.65. The effects of these styles need to be reviwed.

Assists – Go to a dungeon, make a "/macro assist /assist CharName" and then start spamming it standing right next to the person. For every time you get a target, you have to mash it a dozen or so times only to get a "There is nobody by this name around here!"

Higher Levels – the changes to archery since the beginning of the game have emphasized the fact that starting about level 35, archers are finding their melee skills insufficient against target mobs. This is exaggerated for anyone following a sniper template, but is readily apparent for anyone following a melee template as well. It also deserves to be mentioned that archers have always been in dire straits if a mob initiates combat or there is an add to a call for help during combat. It is felt that an increase to the weaponskill increases upon leveling is most likely the best way to approach this issue so that it doesn’t overbalance other classes.
The issue of endurance use is further exasperated by archers trying to melee as well.

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