Again, I am stealing, erm, borrowing from Oaklief I hope he doesn't mind! As time goes by, this page will be strictly ranger and anrcher related. This list is modified with each version, to provide the developers with a quick list of the top concerns of rangers. As always, if you are aware that a certain issue or bug has been addressed, or if you are aware of a new issue or bug that is not on the list, please contact me so that I may verify it and let the developers know about the change. Critical Shot Message – there is currently no way to differentiate critical shots from normal shots using the log. We used to rely on the printed delay, but needed tenths of a second to tell which was which. In some cases now both the normal shot and the critical shot appear to have the same delay printed. Can we please get the damage line to indicate "You shoot the target with your bow and hit for total damage (attack-type vs. armor-type modifier) damage" on the normal shot, and "You critical shoot the target with your bow and hit for total damage (attack-type vs. armor-type modifier) damage" on a critical shot. Longshot Message – the only way to differentiate Longshots from normal shots using the log is to look back to see the message when you drew the shot. Can we please get the damage line to indicate "You longshot the target with your bow and hit for total damage (attack-type vs. armor-type modifier) damage". Volley Message – the only way to differentiate volley shots from normal shots using the log other than noting the lack of subsequent draw shots (hard for a parser to recognize). Can we please get the damage line to indicate "You volley the target with your bow and hit for total damage (attack-type vs. armor-type modifier) damage" for each of the 5 volley shots. Rapid Fire Message – there is currently no way to differentiate rapid fire shots from normal shots using the log. Particularly as there is no indication that rapid fire shut itself off when a critshot or longshot or volley was made. Can we please get the damage line to indicate "You rapidly shoot the target with your bow and hit for total damage (attack-type vs. armor-type modifier) damage" while rapid fire is toggled on. Rapid Fire Icon Greyout – Fixed 1.69. Having simmilar icons for Rapid Fire and Sure Shot is annoying though. Common Mappable Keys – this issue has largely been dealt with in version 1.54 by allowing the right hand hotkey slot to also equip the left hand shield or weapon, and the addition of a keyboard shortcut for sprint. The additional fixes in 1.65 are nice, now all we request is better utility in swapping bows. (And a graphical quiver as well!)